How do I give my car wash the best chance at success?
There is no single factor that ensures ultimate success for car wash operators. At its core, car washing is a service-based retail experience. Remembering this core principle and delivering on it will ensure you are giving yourself the best chance to succeed.
Some key pointers are below:
Know your plan and position in the market
As the saying goes, you can’t be everything to everybody. Therefore, the first step is to consider the catchment area. Once you have studied your market, define who the business wants to be, who you want your customers to be and how you want to service them...then execute the plan!
Build a team of trusted advisors who can help you on your way. From start-up to execution, to ongoing daily management, you can’t do it all by yourself. Spread the load and work on your business, not just in the business.
Find the right balance
As consumers become increasingly time-poor, the balance between providing speed of service and quality remains the focus. The car wash industry continues to evolve with automation, and technology driven outcomes for consumers and owners alike and you need to find the right balance without jeopardising your outcomes. Remember car washing for consumers will always be a service-based, retail experience.
Meet your market in terms of the service offering you are providing. Part of developing your plan for the car wash should involve a deep understanding of your demographics in the surrounding catchment and competition. From here, develop the service offering to meet demand and support it with equipment that is well presented, functional, appealing and reliable. Remember you only get one shot at a first impression!
A good car wash will remain destination lead for consumers however, having a car wash situated on a main road provides for large volumes of passing traffic making the job easier for new entrants. Have consideration to on site traffic flow and don’t miss the opportunity to maximise exposure with appropriate signage and positioning!